"In order to raise awareness on the global HIV/AIDS pandemic, the World Health Organization established World Aids Day in 1988. Observed on December 1st, it is a chance for organizations and individuals to “demonstrate international solidarity in the face of the pandemic.” According to 2008 data from the United Nations, approximately 33 million people around the world are living with HIV.
In Latin America, JWT worked with GAPA/BS (Grupo de Apoio à Prevenção à AIDS da Baixada Santista) on a campaign with the message “Be pure. Safe sex is never wrong.” GAPA/BS is a philanthropic foundation that hopes the campaign will change the perception of purity – that to remain pure, all it takes is protection. Several artists volunteered their talent for the project, creating art for T-shirts, print media, and animation."
I'm very glad to be part of this selected group!!!
Produced by MÖVE